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| Shipping Instructions > Mailing Rrestrictions > Product Scope in Purchasing Agent Service

Not suitable and absolutely prohibited items:



Based on the differences of the customs policy from different countries, some countries or regions are more sensitive about special goods. Local customs confiscated probability will be slightly larger, including but not limited to following items:  


Meat: cooked food  

Electronics: mobile phones (with batteries), magnetic components, power bank  

Clothing category: imitation brand

Others: liquid, powder, compressed gas, gold and silver jewelry, diamonds, coins, antiques, controlled knives, plant seeds  


United Kingdom

Sensitive with importing beef, not suitable for mailing  



Sensitive with importing leather shoes, not suitable for mailing  



More sensitive with importing animal fur, wood products, seeds are not suitable for mailing  



Sensitive with importing products made by animal leather or wood


Digital products, accessories 

Taobao business is uneven, we cannot do professional identification for professional digital products, and it is recommended that you carefully select the best high-quality sellers to buy items.  


Laws prohibited exporting items  

You can send following items via us 

Clothing, bags, shoes  

Books, jewelry, digital products, small household appliances, etc.  

Household items (such as curtains, bed sheets, wall paintings)  

Dinnerware, toys, small furniture, glasses, CDs, etc.